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Uhm Hello~
I don't really know what to put here so I guess I will be boring and follow the guidelines >w>

"Who Are You?"
I am Shiroi Usagi but call me anything you like~

"Where are you from?"
I live in the realm of tea and overt politeness- where aggression is met with the acquired art of Tutting and writing a stern letter but not sending it because it would be mean... (The UK)

"What's up with that nick of yours?"
Uhhhm I like white rabbits o.o

"What do you like about futanari?"
Uhm well I am gay... Well sort of. Like 3/4 gay. I like guys and uhm... dicks mainly, but girls are so pretteh and a lot more fun to talk to and be around so I guess I like girls... and dicks... Sorry >////<

"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
I kind of maybe sort of have a thing for bondage and humilation >///>

"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
I love to Sing, Swim and Shop! Oh but I also do a lot of photomanipulation~ If only I could draw ;A;
And of course I absolutely Adore anime ^.^

"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"
I am(was) part of the Yaoihaven Forums~ (Before the forums went down >w>)

"Last words before we pass final judgment?"
[Image: sigpic196285_1.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Hayoo~ - by ShiroiUsagi - 31st January 2015, 17:01
Hayoo~ - by Allykat - 31st January 2015, 18:19
Hayoo~ - by Timetwister - 31st January 2015, 19:47
Hayoo~ - by paradj - 1st February 2015, 04:23
Hayoo~ - by ShiroiUsagi - 1st February 2015, 15:16
Hayoo~ - by CassieM - 1st February 2015, 15:46
Hayoo~ - by The Guardian - 1st February 2015, 16:09

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