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Hi everbody!

I'm not really new here but today i decided that it would be time to be more part of this community. I generally joined because of the story section. I love the stories, the overall quality of them and the insane variety of fetishes that they cover.

The second reason why I'm going to upgrade my passive account, is that I want to participate more in to the roleplaying section. One of these days I will make a F-list for this.

Bare with me with my typing. English is my third best language (dutch being the first), which means that I will make mistakes, I won't know the meaning of every word and at times sentences might look/read silly. If you see mistakes you're free to point them out, but please don't go full grammar nazi.

More about me will be on my profile page!

Have a good day!


Messages In This Thread
HI! - by Lunaraus - 18th April 2014, 11:31
HI! - by Evil Empire - 18th April 2014, 13:07
HI! - by The Guardian - 18th April 2014, 13:32
HI! - by AstroForce - 20th April 2014, 00:16

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