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discovering new interests

It depends on your interests you can talk about anything and everything pretty much, wanna discuss art or your favorite futa pics there's a thread for that games hentai and not threads for that, are you into roleplay like I am entire category for that regular porn threads for that, are you a furry wanna reach out and connect to other furries see where I'm going here lol.=) Also if there is something you wanna talk about and can't find a thread well make I'm sure at least a few kind people will answer XD


Messages In This Thread
discovering new interests - by BlackFang_45 - 6th April 2014, 10:03
discovering new interests - by xlonewolfx - 6th April 2014, 10:09
discovering new interests - by Claire Bear - 6th April 2014, 13:29
discovering new interests - by The Guardian - 6th April 2014, 13:58
discovering new interests - by AstroForce - 6th April 2014, 18:33
discovering new interests - by BlackFang_45 - 6th April 2014, 18:51
discovering new interests - by Claire Bear - 6th April 2014, 19:07
discovering new interests - by Ezran - 7th April 2014, 06:53
discovering new interests - by Magnanimous - 8th April 2014, 00:44

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