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Hello Everyone!

Not sure if I am doing this right, I never was too good at introductions. The name is pearly!locks but everyone can call me Pearly! I acquire the cute little name after going through a "finding the meaning to your name" phase and well apparently my name means "Battlefield of Pearly Locks". Pretty sweet, although I keep thinking that it reminds me of a Bishoujo anime or something similar. I am a 23 years old college student and on my way to becoming a Web Developer...ish. Well, I am trying to. I do get distracted with learning SQL. Who knew that creating databases would be ridiculously fun? Anyways, I have lurk around the site for a while and decide to grab hold of some bravery and introduce myself! Let's see I enjoy drawing, writing, watching anime or reading manga when I can, working and well just doing anything that will satisfy my curiosity! I am currently making an attempt with writing a novel and creating a CYOA game. I still got a lot of learning to do, so bare with me! ;D If you want to be friends or just want to ask a question, fire away! I won't bite too hard.


Messages In This Thread
Hello Everyone! - by pearly!locks - 8th March 2014, 01:02
Hello Everyone! - by xlonewolfx - 8th March 2014, 02:40
Hello Everyone! - by The Guardian - 8th March 2014, 21:11
Hello Everyone! - by pearly!locks - 10th March 2014, 00:13

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