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Good Morning!

I'm just going to be lame and answer the questions suggested, throwing in my own if I feel the need Smile Which I don't because these are awesome!

"Who Are You?"
I am DeepClosetFan or DCF. While here this is my only account I treat it like a side account elsewhere as I use this one to post luscious goods that some follorwers of my other account could be offended for. I guess some people just can't accept the fact that a 100% awesome adult writes porn.

"Where are you from?"
The freezing north also known as Canada!

"What's up with that nick of yours?"
Yo no comprendo mi amigo
(This is all the Spanish I know. I just like using this sentence)

"What do you like about futanari?"
The "ladies": Hmmmmmmmmmm a mix of things? It's not my favorite nor my least favorite kink. I do find it attractive in the right places but I do feel like some places misuse it. Despite the fact that I know I'm writing porn I like a good story!
The forum:That it's a free but organized and safe place to talk about the... interesting things in life. The moderators here are people I look up to and I appreciate that this place is organized in such a way that makes it easy to find things and avoid others.

"What got you interested in the first place?"
Slave Maker 3! Which is also the reason I'm posting as I want to slip over to those forums and have fun. Of course it's only common curtsy to post a silly introduction post, no?

"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
Tentacles. By god do I love those dangly things. Don't even know why as I would never wish for that in real life. But that's a kink for you! We could sit here all day and talk about my pairings (I am a kink fanfic writer after all) but I'll just note that I'm a mix of yaoi, yuri, and straight counting on the fandom I'm in.

"Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?"
Yes and yes! I want to make sure what I'm posting is correct and doesn't violate anything! If I do I apologize in advance and will make sure to correct any improper behaviors. Also I have a question about the "art" rules in the idea that do we have to get permission to use pictures (in our slaves for SM3 for example) that we get from all sites? Like if I get some from rule34 do I have to find a way to hunt down the creator and ask permisson? I don't (overly) mind this as I can understand but that could take a lot of work...

"What sections are you most excited about exploring?"
Slave Maker 3 for sure~ Doujinshi as well of course. Those tend to be awesome. Also when I get use to this place I hope to post some of my own writing for some original stores based off of Slave Maker Smile

"What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"
Through the Slave Maker 3 game. Glad to see so much happening over here!

"Anything else you might like to add?"
Oh boy, oh boy. Ummm... No not really XD I come here in hopes of learning how to make slaves for the Slave Maker 3 game that have good stories but are more so on the vanilla side/ease of event triggers. I play the Freelancer mode as I use the game as inspiration for a story and my main character has no restraints! As a result I'm use to several specialties not working for me because of my mode and thus have grown fond of vanilla slaves Smile

"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
Game making/designing! I have a small group where we work on things like visual novels, RPGmaker games, and point-n-click adventures! They're a lot of fun. I would say writing as well but, well, sometimes they slip into my more 18+ writings Wink (and with slave designing the first one might become invalid oh no!)

"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"
Ummmmmmmmmm, tumblr, deviantart, and right now. I'm not really sure if I would call them communities but I do work on those sights.

"Last words before we pass final judgment?"
Pajama's? I need to clean my room? Please be gentle?

Love ya and let's have fun working together!
Yeah that should work...


Messages In This Thread
Good Morning! - by DeepClosetFan - 10th November 2013, 21:26
Good Morning! - by The Guardian - 11th November 2013, 01:18
Good Morning! - by AstroForce - 11th November 2013, 23:31
Good Morning! - by Love Doll Mariska - 17th November 2013, 05:30
Good Morning! - by Mystic Cook - 19th November 2013, 01:48

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