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guess I'll say hi. Can't remember when I made this account, but it was purely for lurking while checking out slave maker stuffs. Haven't been here in a while and I don't know how frequently I'll post, but I figured saying hi would be the least I can do after lurking for a bit. I'm a photo manipulator of no minor skill, often employing abstract elements to make wallpapers and what not. Occasionally I'll make custom images for friends but I tend to try and stay away from doing anything with it commercially (don't want to ruin what I like to do with money. becomes a chore then). I also build computers in my spare time, or rather salvage computers and make Frankensteined pieces. I don't build new machines due to the fact that I have no need (though occasionally, if my friends buy the parts, I'll put together their rig for them). Used to be good at programming, but I haven't done it for a couple years, and I haven't messed with flash since 2004.
So that's a bit about me. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Messages In This Thread
sup - by shinateku - 28th October 2013, 16:10
sup - by andromeda - 28th October 2013, 21:54
sup - by The Guardian - 29th October 2013, 02:09
sup - by AstroForce - 29th October 2013, 14:56
sup - by KiAi - 29th October 2013, 20:30
sup - by Elijah - 29th October 2013, 22:01
sup - by Love Doll Mariska - 29th October 2013, 22:34

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