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Greetings from Britannia!

Hellloooo, folks. I'm danvus and I'm no longer lurking. Funny story; I kinda meant to sign up and join up a long time ago but I miiiiiiiiight have sortamaybesomewhatcompletelyforgottentodoso. Haahaha… Yeaah.

So yeah. I'm a 23 year-old Englishman, which means I have a Very Sexy Voice™. To answer the suggested questions, I have no idea what's up with my nickname. I threw some random letters into a pot and they came up in this order. Rawr. As for what got me into futanari, I suppose it was while I was exploring my sexuality back in my first year of university. I found that guys didn't really do anything for me but I found myself being rather attracted to transwomen: and I guess it grew from there. I think of myself as able to appreciate the beauty of the female body no matter what she has downstairs.

"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?" … Do we have all day? Weeeelll, I guess I have a bit of a thing for teachers. As for my futa tastes, I generally lean towards futa/male - but I also think that futa/male/female threesomes are also very sexy. I mean, what's not to like?

I have to be upfront and admit that I have no idea what I'm here for. I just… am. I'm fairly inexperienced when it comes to role-play - but I'm interested in trying it out. So, let's just see where I go. Right, well, what's next on this list…? "Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?" That's possible. : P Weeell, I enjoy writing and acting. And by "acting", I mean "hamming it the heck up." Nothing's quite as fun as playing the villain. I've also got a geeky interest in mind and consciousness studies, OBE's, NDE's, that kinda thing. And I'm a huge mythology geek. I could talk your head off about legends and fables.

Sooo, yeah. I suppose my final words are, "Good to meet you all!" :3


Messages In This Thread
Greetings from Britannia! - by danvus - 5th October 2013, 19:39
Greetings from Britannia! - by Robynn - 5th October 2013, 20:05
Greetings from Britannia! - by Sakura-chan - 5th October 2013, 20:17
Greetings from Britannia! - by danvus - 5th October 2013, 20:48
Greetings from Britannia! - by Love Doll Mariska - 6th October 2013, 02:38
Greetings from Britannia! - by The Guardian - 6th October 2013, 16:16
Greetings from Britannia! - by KatCute - 7th October 2013, 01:21
Greetings from Britannia! - by danvus - 7th October 2013, 09:46
Greetings from Britannia! - by andromeda - 8th October 2013, 03:28
Greetings from Britannia! - by KatCute - 8th October 2013, 21:20
Greetings from Britannia! - by AstroForce - 8th October 2013, 22:22
Greetings from Britannia! - by andromeda - 9th October 2013, 12:20
Greetings from Britannia! - by danvus - 9th October 2013, 19:40
Greetings from Britannia! - by KatCute - 9th October 2013, 21:27
Greetings from Britannia! - by danvus - 9th October 2013, 22:02
Greetings from Britannia! - by andromeda - 9th October 2013, 22:43
Greetings from Britannia! - by danvus - 10th October 2013, 10:58

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