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Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!"

Just join the forum and thought I would say "Hi!" and introduce myself.

First off, I am a 41 year old male. Figure I would be honest right at the start, mainly because I have learn about some forums, as soon as they see you as being old or male, you are pretty much excised from the group. Eww he is a male, eww he is old and that's creepy. But I am hoping to meet other people with similar interest in shemales and futa, and chat and have a good time.

I have been a fan of shemales and Futanari for many years now. To my surprise I never knew this forum existed until just a week ago. I guess that is partly my fault, as I am a closet fan. I have had to keep this interest private, away form family and friends. Yeah, I know, kind of sad. But sometimes it's hard to explain a hobby or interest to someone who doesn't know or would understand.

Now, why do I like shemales and futa? I don't know. I have spent many years trying to figure it out myself, and just couldn't find an answer. I consider myself a typical heterosexual male, I find the feminine form attractive, and the male form held no interest or desire for me. But there is something about the female form with a male cock just looks so natural and sexy to me. I guess it's the best of both worlds. Show me a picture of a naked guy with an erection and it's just "meh" to me. But take that same erection, put it on a attractive woman, and I go weak in the knees. And it would be nice to chat with people with the same perspective.

Another reason why I also wanted to introduce myself was that I saw a posting on the forums, that asked the question if you could become a futa\shemale would you? And I kind of find myself falling into the "Maybe" category. Yes, I would love to find a "MacGuffin" that would turn me into a shapely shemale with large breasts and well-endow cock and balls. But I wouldn't want to be it all the time. First of all, I am happy with who I am, yeah, I could afford to loose a few pounds, but I comfortable with my body. But to experiences something new and different, now that would be fun. In addition, I could be just the mundane me, going to work, spending time with friends and family. But come the weekend . . . PARTY!! Transform into that hot shemale, hit the clubs!! Or even stay at home and relax. Have a hard day at work, pour some wine, put on a good porn and slip into a form that is a bit more "comfortable" and "relaxing." And lastly, the final reason why I would want to be a shemale is . . well . . . damn it women have some HOT outfits! I am a big fan of Goth, steampunk and Renaissance Faire outfits! While cross-dressing holds no interest in me, there has been a few times I have seen some outfits that made me go, damn I wish I was a woman so I could wear that. For me to wear a nice under bust corset, a flowing skirt, off the shoulder blouse, and thigh high, high heel boots all in black and purple, is to become a shemale, I okay. . . I'll do it!! But once again, come Monday morning, I want to go back to being ME.

Well I hope I didn't leave a bad impression with people and hope to hear from great folks! As for chatting, I can be found on Yahoo, Skype and in World of Warcraft. I am open to any and all chats. In addition to futa\shemales, I also enjoy most transformations in general, a big conjoining\merging fan and kind of a furry fan. Lastly, just because I mention that I am heterosexual, does not mean I wont chat with guys. We are talking about the same subject and the same interest, and I would be a hypocrite for not chat with another guy, when I have been on that receiving end for many years. "Eww . . you are a dude . . I don't chat or rp with dudes!" Whatever! Hell, I have many chats\rp\cyber with another guy, and had the greatest time. So please look me up and say hi.

Love, Robynn! ( which would be my shemale name. Big Grin )

PS - Saw a post on people sharing their Blizzard battle tag. Since I am a avid WoW player, I wouldn't mind talking with other futa fans in Azeroth. Just that if you send me a friend requset, please tell me where you found my Battletag so I can put a note with your name. THANKS!

Battle Tag - Serrota#1222

PSS - If this is rambling, well sorry, but I work the overnight support for a chain of medical centers, and I normally work 4pm to 5am and well, its like 2 hours past my bed time. So time for all good shemales to get their beauty sleep. Zzzzzzz. . . .


Messages In This Thread
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 29th September 2013, 17:13
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Sakura-chan - 29th September 2013, 17:20
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by KatCute - 29th September 2013, 17:36
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 29th September 2013, 21:23
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 29th September 2013, 21:24
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by KatCute - 29th September 2013, 21:26
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Love Doll Mariska - 29th September 2013, 23:33
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 30th September 2013, 04:27
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 30th September 2013, 04:28
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by The Guardian - 30th September 2013, 10:58
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 30th September 2013, 18:09
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by AstroForce - 30th September 2013, 21:43
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 1st October 2013, 01:35
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by beibdnn - 7th October 2013, 01:15
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 7th October 2013, 03:06
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by SchoolGirlRin - 7th October 2013, 04:08
Stepping from shadows, "Hello all!" - by Robynn - 7th October 2013, 05:01

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