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Well, hello everyone!

I'm UedMasod!

I had run across this site quite a while ago, but never realized its full potential until only recently. Who knew forums could yield such incredible content? Or is it just me? :)

Things I'm interested in are futanari (duh), conjoinment, yuri, slimes, and such things. I don't like furries and animal stuff as much, but I do like monstergirls!

Oh, and something I would wish to see more of is what I call futa-69, because it's truly a 69, but only futa's can pull it off. You should know what I'm talking about:

NEway, that's it for the short intro! Hope to see you all more in the future! Baibii~


Messages In This Thread
Well, hello everyone! - by UedMasod - 13th July 2013, 03:24
Well, hello everyone! - by KatCute - 13th July 2013, 03:46
Well, hello everyone! - by UedMasod - 13th July 2013, 04:11
Well, hello everyone! - by The Guardian - 13th July 2013, 14:42

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