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Might as well be honest... I first came here because I wanted to download SlaveMaker3 and I saw you guys had a link for it. Problem is, I am in no position at all to download torrents due to my situation right now (I don't want to talk about it) and thus, since I can't download torrents, I seem to be unable to download the game. I was fully prepared to leave and never come back in disappointment... when I realized something very important.

Just leaving like that without saying hi or even giving the forum a chance is rude.

So here I am. The fabulous Fanfic Fetishist, here to actually make use of the forum. I don't know how much I'll actually be on, but networking never hurts, right? It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope we can be friends.

I'm not much into Futa personally, but I don't discriminate against what other people like. Considering my own fetishes, I'm hardly one to judge.

My F-List profile:
[Image: FFcopy.jpg]
Let no one tell you how to live! Define yourself by your own will! Be a storm unto yourself!
Darkness, Light, there is no difference. Stand tall, embrace both, and you can find the true path!

Messages In This Thread
Well... - by Fanfic Fetishist - 12th May 2013, 22:25
Well... - by VictorSolomon - 12th May 2013, 22:27
Well... - by KatCute - 12th May 2013, 22:41
Well... - by The Guardian - 13th May 2013, 01:56
Well... - by annon54321 - 13th May 2013, 05:03
Well... - by Hoodsome - 13th May 2013, 05:12
Well... - by Altamira_vbulletin4_import72293 - 13th May 2013, 05:30
Well... - by Fanfic Fetishist - 21st May 2013, 19:30
Well... - by Fanfic Fetishist - 21st May 2013, 19:32
Well... - by Olivria Noel - 23rd May 2013, 17:56
Well... - by Fanfic Fetishist - 31st May 2013, 20:03
Well... - by Olivria Noel - 1st June 2013, 17:17

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