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Rightful heir of the Futanari throne.

I am Joffrey Baratheon the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Rejoice commoners, for I have come to conquer this kingdom and I shall rule you all.

My first order is post links in my profile of doujins/movies that you may suggest that is good. I don't like menXfutanari, I'm not gay.

My second order is give me the damn links of Uno Makoto's work. I like ridiculously huge boobs and FutanariXwomen or FutaXFuta.

Third is accept me as the King of this palace or die.

That is all.


Messages In This Thread
Rightful heir of the Futanari throne. - by Joffrey Baratheon - 11th May 2013, 05:03
Rightful heir of the Futanari throne. - by Freyja - 12th May 2013, 02:02
Rightful heir of the Futanari throne. - by Ravar - 12th May 2013, 09:24
Rightful heir of the Futanari throne. - by Freyja - 18th May 2013, 03:49
Rightful heir of the Futanari throne. - by rarzor - 18th May 2013, 05:29
Rightful heir of the Futanari throne. - by Eriana - 19th May 2013, 06:14

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