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I'm no hipster. Imma TWIZZER!
Hey, Hello, bien Venu, Guten Tag and Moshimoshi!

some may have seen me on SL, some may have checked out my Fa-Stuff, but most of you won't know me. I am the Twizzy, friends call me Tali. I mostly hang out at my (friend's) place, doing... stuffs and building crap... nobody cares about... but anyways: I've known this site for god knows how long and been too lazy to actually write something about myself ( I am more the reader type...) I'm a 5.9 feet tall Ginger ( I carry that name with pride!), which would be pretty huge in RL, but not SL... I'm virtually a dwarf there. I come frome Cockermouth (it really exists), near the Irish Coast, Great Britain. I am 835 years old and, well, immortal due to a curse a blasted witch had casted on me during the siege of my father's castle, back in Ireland. I tend to wear skimpy, rock-a-licous stuff, but if the occassion appears, you may find me wearing some business dresses, evenin gowns and maby even my Demonic Mistress Outfit :3


Hi, I am Mike and I play Twizzy!

I am a 26 year old mechanic from Germany (!BAM! stereotype-blast!) I am 5.6 feet short, 165lbs "light" guy with a lively imagination. In my free time I like to write stories, draw stuffs (mostly concepts for stories), and try to learn new things. I recently started to take requests for any kind of stuff on SL (except scripting... I'll never get the hang of that) If I can't do it so far, give me the time and I will learn to do it Wink (except scripting...) I am pansexuall, though I have a very destinct taste when it comes to men (mostly including androgynous, girlish looks, traps, sissies, that stuff) while I like my wemon strong and tough (not bulky, but I don't mind some muscles). (mostly the gender roles seem to be flipped the wrong way around in my head xD ) People tend to call me "a bit gay" or "androgynous", which basically is what I am. I can be very manly in one moment, e.g. my job, but a total girl in the next, quacking about how cute those ballerinas look, or how hot these high heels would look on a friend of mine. Tali shares those tastes. So sorry, huge, harry, manly dudes: you may look at, but not touch Tali.


Both of us are happy to be here and hope that we can have some fine days, months, or even years with you guys Wink

Stay Twizzed!

P.S.: I will address any communication I do online as Twizzy, since it's my online Persona. Just to prevent further confusion. Tongue

Messages In This Thread
I'm no hipster. Imma TWIZZER! - by TaliTwist - 10th May 2013, 17:46
I'm no hipster. Imma TWIZZER! - by KatCute - 10th May 2013, 21:00
I'm no hipster. Imma TWIZZER! - by The Guardian - 11th May 2013, 01:55
I'm no hipster. Imma TWIZZER! - by TaliTwist - 11th May 2013, 15:20
I'm no hipster. Imma TWIZZER! - by TaliTwist - 12th May 2013, 17:06

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