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Hey Guys!

Welcome welcome! oh the memories of introducing people. How pleasant it was, and that feeling is starting again as I type this. But should I go back and do everyone I missed or just Anyone in the future.... oh the choices. Anyway, I look forward to reading your works. *winks* not looking forward to cleaning my keyboard after words though...

no sig here

Messages In This Thread
Hey Guys! - by April's Fool - 5th April 2013, 02:00
Hey Guys! - by The Guardian - 5th April 2013, 02:57
Hey Guys! - by Altamira_vbulletin4_import72293 - 5th April 2013, 18:07
Hey Guys! - by April's Fool - 5th April 2013, 23:31
Hey Guys! - by annon54321 - 6th April 2013, 04:23
Hey Guys! - by April's Fool - 6th April 2013, 05:30
Hey Guys! - by KatCute - 7th April 2013, 02:09

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