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Suddenly, Mongoose.

I ARE MONGOOSE HALLO. Just joined up here, been into futa lightly for a few years but just recently decided I'd get involved in some communities and talk to some people.

I'm from Tasmania, Australia. It's pretty nice here and the population is rather low so I live 15 minutes from the capital center and my house is next to a bunch of forrest.

My nickname is sort of an embodiment of how I see myself but it's also an oxymoron because I don't really take anything too seriously or I tend to get bored or end up hating it. There is even more to it than that but if you want to know about it you'll have to get to know me better. Also, I over think everything way too much, hence the excessively detailed analysis of username.

I like futanari because of the cuteness factor, which actually ties into how I first got into it because I was looking around for random cute hentai ages ago and openned this link and the chick had the cutest cheeky grin and then I noticed the bulge in her panties and BAM interest.

I like to see three ways between a girl, a guy and a futa, especially ones that say or look like they are really caring about eachother because I like to have polyamorous relationships when it's possible and this would be an ideal relationship and sexual situation for me. I'm also into BDSM and the like.

Really keen to read some good doujinshi and have some chats, maybe even RP some. I like to talk to people about all kinds of things on the interwebs because I tend to be more... I guess politely restricted in real life, so yeah hit me up for a chat if you want. Those are pretty much the main two reasons I came exploring here.

I guess some other things about me and last points are I'm a musician, been playing drums for nearly 9 years and I play gigs with a band, not gonna just spam links to our stuff because we haven't got our first EP out yet, but there is a sample I can link anyone to if they are interested in dub/roots/reggae. I'm also a gamer and will join people for a game of Quake Live, or League of Legends if you like. Yeah so I guess I should probably shut up for now until someone gives me an excuse to wall of text some more.


Messages In This Thread
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by MadeOfJade - 3rd March 2013, 14:53
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by DPPH - 3rd March 2013, 15:15
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by The Guardian - 4th March 2013, 01:15
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by MadeOfJade - 4th March 2013, 03:07
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by DPPH - 4th March 2013, 21:02
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by MadeOfJade - 6th March 2013, 06:24
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by Olivria Noel - 6th March 2013, 18:54
Suddenly, Mongoose. - by MadeOfJade - 7th March 2013, 14:49

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