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Lights, Camera, ACTION!!! My Debut Is Now~!

Greetings, one and all! I am happy to be here after a long hiatus from the world of roleplay, and this seemed like the right place to get back into the habit! Anyone who migrated to here from Lunar Radiance may recognize me; unto such people, no introduction is necessary. For the vast majority of you whom I haven't met, however, I say it is a pleasure to meet you all!

I am Mileena Eloise Chardonnay. Or, rather, will be when I get the surgeries I seek to become a futanari girl IRL! Until then, I'd very much like to be treated for the person I am inside, so play along, 'kay? It'll be our little secret. Wink

Aside from the base kinks of 'girlcock', which brings us all here in glorious camaraderie, I am also host to a series of other kinks; some vanilla, some beyond the scope of the average roleplayer. Whatever the case, I hope to cater well to my fellow futanari fans, and to have a long, happy career of RPing here in this magnificent palace! Hope to hear from you soon~!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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Lights, Camera, ACTION!!! My Debut Is Now~! - by Mileena Chardonnay - 25th January 2013, 18:31

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