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Hi, Hello,Greetings,Sup

So...You've decided to take a look huh?..Okay fine..Hello then, name is Sukuyan or Suki. Made this profile on here ages ago and never got to do anything with it. Time and all. I am now though! Although..I can't remember where I left off here. Anyways nice to meet everyone! I tend to keep my RP life and the real thing as seperate as I can. Hope no one minds. I am a female, in my 20s and enjoy roleplaying and the occasional random conversation.

So lets see..Oh! I live in the United States and at the time I found this place through google, I got a bit bored of my old place. As far as kinks and stuff..Well I'm not to picky just nothing gross. Although I guess I'm a bit mundane in what I do like..Stuff like anal(giving/recieving), breasts(I don't care..Just as long as it deals with boobies.) And..Er..oral. See? Boring.

Er..I'm going to leave the rest up to you though, this has probably gone on for faaaar to long so if you wanna tak or ask me something go ahead and message me or something. Thanks for reading this to, for that I give you a super awesome banana sticker!

Shh..The rough part is over now..

Messages In This Thread
Hi, Hello,Greetings,Sup - by Sukuyan - 12th October 2012, 06:29
Hi, Hello,Greetings,Sup - by TakeTheKnot - 13th October 2012, 02:32
Hi, Hello,Greetings,Sup - by The Guardian - 13th October 2012, 18:15
Hi, Hello,Greetings,Sup - by Jynx - 13th October 2012, 20:10

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