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Hi, Im Kuri

Hi, Im Kuri. I found out about this site after looking over some profiles on Rabbit hole. I was looking for roleplaying partners and the thought of roleplay with a futanari character is something Ive been wanting to try. Im a writer by heart so I like long term stories with healthy plots, character development, and situations that feel real. Im hoping to find that here and even if I dont I see there's a lot of art and writing to keep me interested. Besides my desire for roleplaying Ive always had a fascination with Futanari. I only discovered them a few months ago but I see a kind of erotic and artistic, for lack of a better word, allure to them. Its hard to explain

the name Kuri the neko comes from a couple different things. It started when I was 6 or 7 and my first girlfriend called me Kuri because I was so sweet. She told me Kuri was a sweet nut or something like that, its hard to remember but it stuck. Everyone called me Kuri all through my life and to this day I introduce myself as Kuri rather then my real name. The neko part is because a few years ago I really got into the idea of neko's so much that I made my first character and started writing short stories about him. So he's pretty much my persona in a fictional world, if that makes any sense. It seemed like a good name to take while looking for roleplaying sites and writing partners

To be honest Im a little bit nervous, I always get that way meeting new people or joining new communities. Usually Im really shy but Im a lot more articulate when I can put words to paper, or text in this case


Messages In This Thread
Hi, Im Kuri - by kuri_the_neko - 15th August 2012, 12:13
Hi, Im Kuri - by vella - 15th August 2012, 13:32
Hi, Im Kuri - by ZeroNullSet - 15th August 2012, 21:58
Hi, Im Kuri - by Sakura-chan - 16th August 2012, 21:50
Hi, Im Kuri - by hunterofguilds - 17th August 2012, 00:27
Hi, Im Kuri - by The Guardian - 18th August 2012, 03:18
Hi, Im Kuri - by Evil Empire - 18th August 2012, 12:41
Hi, Im Kuri - by Riastylis Phoenix - 19th August 2012, 08:32
Hi, Im Kuri - by Mira Akana - 20th August 2012, 23:09
Hi, Im Kuri - by Deedee - 22nd August 2012, 03:05

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