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Alcard the two cocked angelic catguy arrives....

Grettings everyone. My name is Alucard Rezillo. I am an angelic catguy who has two cocks instead of one. My physical body might at times trick some at first glance at being female in appearance, but that is not true. Of course, it can be almost impossible to tell if say I... choose to dress in female clothing.

Most of these were gifts recieved when I was at the Y! Galleries:

Here is a pic where I am with one of my favorite characters. (and source for current avatar) <This was done by theevilrentaro of the FA galleries:

Here is another image of me. One that I use to show others my physical charactereistics. This was done by someone named NekoMenchi of the Y! Gallleries. Though, imagine waist length hair. Whether it hanging free or in a briaded ponytail
I usually use this as an avatar everywhere else I am (, and a few other places.)

This one was done by Andreakanway of Y! Galleries. It seems here dogguy character is enjoying my characters ass. XD

A cute one by Reno of Y! Galleries. Very cute in my opinion:

A more "average" looking version by SillyMoogle (again Y! Galleries. XD)

First ever pic I got of my character by Shirokada (Take a guess where this one is also from. ^^; )

By DigitalMirage titled Saint's Aquantance:

A rather Muscular version by Demiwolf:

These next three are from a friend by the name of ZKWrestler:

The first is Alucard in a unitard wrestling outift:
Alucard wrestling with a bunnyboy:
Alucard in a "two peice wrestling outfit" fighting (and possibly losing) to ZK's character:
Seems he has had a wardrobe malfunction. Is it intended or not? XD

Another done by DigitalMirage titled Bed Fellows. I think his character is actually taking both of Alucard's cocks inside him. XD
Need a free account to view. I shall work on uploading via Imagedump ok?

There are lots more but have been lost to the ravages of time and whatnot. >.<

"But anywho, I am open to pretty much anything in the RP aspect, but my (as well as real life) personality is one where I am not really able to be mean or harmful to others. But able to have it done to me is no problem. I consider myself pansexual in the aspect of Bi usually only encompases male & female, but not those who are herms or intersexed. They need love as well, right? So, being fucked,. or fiucking. It's all good. Even certain fetishes many might consider "gross" I am sure you can think of some so I don't have to spell it out. I am one that likes futanari stuff. I think ever since I had watched Venus 5 ages ago. XD I also have a "arsenal" of magical abilities to use, even potion crafting with some of.... unique transfomation aspects as well. Some involving the gender of others. I also have arm things similar to those that are in an anime called Elfen Lied, which can be used as weapons, but moreso as things if pleasure. If you wish to know more, you need but ask."

"I am one who doesn't age, so my physical form is permanently at the age of 20. Some RP aspects I have done revolve around my character being a slave (Medivalish fantasy setting) and one (similar setting) where I am in my forest protected by a type of barrier that makes ones sense of direction to be mixed up and be confused, also called the Forest of Confusion. It has a decent sized house and whatnot. Usually people with magical abilities or say, do not fit into the male/female archetype of the society or town they live, usually are exiled and assumed to have died in this forest. I simply rescue them and help them realize they are not "freaks" or anything but are gifted to have the best of both worlds. Male or female type herms are all good to. Doesn't matter what they are. Granted, a naga might be interesting to try out. ^.~ XD"

"But, here I am rambling. I do apologize. But needless to say if any of you wish to say hello, of find me to be of some inspiration to art, please feel free to use
me as you wish. All I ask is that you send me a link so I can say thanks and perhaps direct others to your site as well okay? And if you wish to try doing an RP I shall do the best I can, though I must inform you that the one who is the "other part of me" works random hours in the retail hell, so his free time is lessened considerably so if we do do one, please be patient. He does his best to get back to RPs as soon as he is able." Alucard says with a gentle smile.

"I do hope you guys will find me to be of interest and I hope you all are doing fine today."
Alucard then snaps his fingers disappearing in a flash of light.


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Alcard the two cocked angelic catguy arrives.... - by megamanrulesall - 15th February 2008, 22:01

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