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Hey everyone~

Futanari was always just one of those kinks that was just kinda there, that I knew existed but never really thought about...

Until a few days ago.

I saw a futa picture at a Japanese site and decided to look to for some more. Pictures lead me to doujins, which lead me to wanting more...which lead me here. And perhaps it's too soon to make any firm declarations, but I think this might make it up there to my top kinks... I certainly can't say I mind. ;3


Messages In This Thread
Hey everyone~ - by taitofan - 18th February 2007, 22:34
Hey everyone~ - by Kuro - 18th February 2007, 22:35
Hey everyone~ - by Sakura-chan - 18th February 2007, 22:57
Hey everyone~ - by Cecil - 18th February 2007, 23:00
Hey everyone~ - by Minizila - 18th February 2007, 23:10
Hey everyone~ - by orpheus - 18th February 2007, 23:22
Hey everyone~ - by SAM™ - 19th February 2007, 00:40
Hey everyone~ - by The Guardian - 19th February 2007, 01:13
Hey everyone~ - by PerfectZonic - 19th February 2007, 01:19

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