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So I admit I have lurked these forums for awhile and never taken time to say high or anything. So here I am. HI!


Just wanted to thanks all you awesome people for all the awesome artwork and even RL stuff.

Especially mad props to people brave enough to post RL pics of them selves. You are all beautiful.

Little by little I am giving you my sanity.

Messages In This Thread
Slow - by Kinkos - 30th October 2011, 20:55
Slow - by vella - 30th October 2011, 21:11
Slow - by Olivria Noel - 30th October 2011, 22:37
Slow - by The Guardian - 31st October 2011, 00:18
Slow - by Ms. Sunday - 31st October 2011, 00:42
Slow - by Sandor - 31st October 2011, 05:50

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