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Salutations to all whom dwell herein.

"Who Are You?" I'm Izzi, I'm a teenage MTF, I'm about six-three, I'm a brunette, I'm still quite chubby, and I have really small hands.

"Where are you from?" From the UK, in England, in a small village, mostly inhabited by old people who read the Mail and the Express.

"What's up with that nick of yours?" I have absolutely no idea, I have never got the hang of sticking with one user name, so mine tend to reflect my mood at the time.

"What do you like about futanari?" Gender bending is a huge love of mine, from boys in dresses or girls with hairy legs, to androgyny, to full on transition, I like Futa, especially as I'm really flexible sexuality wise, and I like the best of both worlds. Though pussy boys are also a huge turn-on for me.

"What got you interested in the first place?" I had a precocious sexual development, pre-teens, and quickly realised how open I really was, having crushes on long-haired pretty boys and cute butch girls didn't hurt either.

"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?" I don't really do pairings, but my kinks are tremendous, in amount and depth, BDSM of all kinds, genderplay, anal is a big one, especially F-F, occasionally watersports, just for humiliation value, bestiality and furry stuff, though limited to hardblush style stuff really, Loli and Shota, though limited to about the age I started, I don't really find actual children attractive, just 'youth' maybe, I doubt any one younger is capable of consent, I like Milfs a lot, and Incest is something I enjoy as a fantasy, pity my Mum's old >:3, I like physically powerful women, and thick pubes on girls, I could go on, but I'd never finish, suffice to say I had to buy an external hardrive to store my folders, I kept getting the BSOD.

"Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?" Yep and Nope.

"What sections are you most excited about exploring?" (Are you interested in finding Images and Doujinshi? Interested in trying some roleplaying? Sharing your own art or stories? Or just hanging out and chatting with fellow futa fans?) Probably Doujin, and pics, a little RP and Chat, never done it much, I lurk in the shadows, waiting for when the time is right and I can continue to lurk and still not post. Muhahaha.

"What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?" From the site for 'Slave Maker', which I got to from Fenoxo's blog, the guy who made 'conquest of champions, which was hosted on a Yaoi site, which I went to for awesome stuff by Onta. Love me some trap bum stuffing.

"Anything else you might like to add?" I am actually transgender, not a TV, CD or anything like that, I'm not actually all that femme either, certainly not frou-frou, I appreciate that terminology can be confusing, but I don't like being called a 'she-male', and 'Tranny' isn't appreciated much either, and whilst I might be okay with some RP, Chasers who try and get more intimate than I'm okay with will be rebuffed, blocked and ignored, I'm here because I'm horrendously perverted, not because I need a date.

"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?" Vidya gamez, reading way too much. webcomics and manga, loads of music of many genres, martial arts, all other sorts of porn >x<, hanging with mah brozefs, daydreaming, don't do telly or movies much and more reading, though less fantasy than non-fantasy, I like to learn.

"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?" Plenty, though not all I'm out on, so no links, sorry.

"Last words before we pass final judgment?" I apologise in advance for both the inevitable and unending stream of sarcasm and any occasions on which I use horribly offensive words, stuff like the C-word are significantly less offensive over here than in many other countries, so to any Americans who are shocked by my filthy mouth have my apologies.
I'm also obnoxious, arrogant and snooty, anda stickler for spelling and grammar, so that may come across in my posts, ;D. BaiBai.


Messages In This Thread
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by Dribblesthesquid - 20th October 2011, 04:01
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by Gilgamesh - 20th October 2011, 04:43
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by Astraea - 20th October 2011, 04:47
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by Olivria Noel - 20th October 2011, 12:19
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by The Guardian - 20th October 2011, 12:25
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by Sandor - 20th October 2011, 14:43
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by GlennGarth - 20th October 2011, 15:41
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by TaoFuta - 21st October 2011, 23:55
Salutations to all whom dwell herein. - by Bishiebunny - 22nd October 2011, 01:44

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