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Hey, i joined a few minutes ago and i must say... I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!! MORE FUTA THAN I CAN EVER READ AND WHO KNEW I HAD SO MANY OTHERS LIKE ME?!?! :8:

okay, let me entroduce myself, my screen name is kiba358, but you all may call me kiba or kiba-kun, your choice, i want to become an active member of this wonderful site! for the longest time i've had to hide the fact that i'm a futa addict, but thanks to this wonderful site i can finaly be open!!! at least online... absolutely no one in my real life knows about my personal "tastes" and i prefer to keep it that way... though i had no idea i had so many others like me!I am a hard core anime and manga addict as well! I haven't started college yet but when i get my lazy butt around to starting i will be an art major! i intend to become manga-ka! so one day when i get my own project started maybe you all can gawk over my hand drawn futa?!Smile Big Grin

by the way, i'm a ninja, a futa lovin ninja!


Messages In This Thread
WHAT?! A NEW THREAD?!?! HOW ORIGINAL!!!! - by kiba3585 - 4th January 2008, 14:33
WHAT?! A NEW THREAD?!?! HOW ORIGINAL!!!! - by kiba3585 - 4th January 2008, 18:42

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