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Call me Lyli, call me Morri, just don't call me late to dinner ... or something.
Ravyn Wrote:'Sup! How's Allods? Thinking about snatching it if I ever get my comp back.

It is a capable WoW clone that doesn't rely too much on the pay shop. In fact, I haven't had to buy a thing from the shop yet. You can get things like xp potions and the like, but you can play without them as well, the leveling is a bit slower is all. The questing really is all "go here and kill x of y" but you expect that in a F2P. There isn't much RP going on sadly ... I have yet to find any. Though, to be fair, I don't play that much seeing as how RIFT is my primary MMO now days. Smile

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Call me Lyli, call me Morri, just don't call me late to dinner ... or something. - by lyliander - 25th May 2011, 17:30

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