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a late hello~

Hello I'm Kareiya,

I found FP a few months back looking for some of 'Sircus' 3D futa videos. My GF had joined, so I signed up to so support. We are both futa fans, she loves to draw them I love to...well ya know xD.

I'm currently resided in texas, where things are normal sizes Tongue
my current hobbies are gaming, drawings and writing. I have a few writings stored on my harddrive, but when I show them to people they are throughly digusted by the lack of editing o.o

maybe I could get some help in that department?

I also draw but i'm not very good, i know a few things, but the drawing always seem so static. I've tried my hand at H-art but just need a bit more practice.

gaming is well gaming.

PC: Final Fantasy XIV(don't be hatin')
PS3: Demon's Soul
Wii: Metroid Prime Trilogy
PSP: Monster Hunter Freedom: Unite
DSi XL: World Ends with You
PS2: ??(dunno)
Web based: Corruption of Champions

It is my last name in japanese, plus some random letters. But lately I've been noticing that there are several characters around with the same name xD cpet no 'e'

I have a Galka on FFXI that I used play named Kareiya, fun times.

whats not to like, best of both worlds wraped in one, plus the oversized members that can cum like a geyser...HOT <3

your rules are loud and clear Smile

honestly I dunno what kinda pairings I like, I guess maybe Futa x female, female x animal(horse or dog)

I'm probably just going to explore, the various profile pages, that stop by my page. checking out the personal albums.

I'm currently a part of DA(deviantart), FA(Furaff), HF(hentai-foundry).

I'm currently enjoying the very fun Corruption of Champions by

I'll update my profile, to have the description of my CoC character ^^

Final words...



Messages In This Thread
a late hello~ - by Kareiya - 7th May 2011, 18:46
a late hello~ - by Supermarket Love - 7th May 2011, 20:30
a late hello~ - by Kareiya - 7th May 2011, 20:55
a late hello~ - by Gilgamesh - 7th May 2011, 20:56
a late hello~ - by Kareiya - 7th May 2011, 21:03
a late hello~ - by The Guardian - 8th May 2011, 05:35
a late hello~ - by Kareiya - 8th May 2011, 06:34
a late hello~ - by Calintz - 10th May 2011, 23:55
a late hello~ - by 0kami003 - 11th May 2011, 02:49

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