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Hi I know its been a couple of days since I registered but I've been a little bit busy and I can't always get online but now i'm all settled down so I thought I'd make my little introduction post.

So hey all of you, I'm Andrea and well I don't really know what to say, I'm a big fan of role playing in many forms, been doing it for maybe 5 or 6 years now and I do my best to help out any people who are trying to get involved but seem to be having problems with the whole writing thing.

What else hmm I suppose I should mention that I have been playing table top roleplaying games for years. Sadly I'm nearly always the GM Sad I never get to play any more.

Cooking and baking are my passion and I hope one day to be a chef, just so you all know a little about me there; so I can be on a some strange hours thanks to any possible jobs I might get.

I have the lovely Asuka Funn to thank since she was the one who invited me to the palace and truthfully I'd been meaning to join the palace for a long time as one of my friends had advised me to do so, but i guess I never got round to it till Asuka nudged me on MSN.

I guess like a few of you here I was born the wrong gender and I'm taking steps to change that but its a slow process for me and I'm just taking it one day at a time till I feel ready to do more.

Anyway I hope we can all have a good time here and all get on well.


Messages In This Thread
Hey - by Andrea Valentine - 30th April 2011, 21:52
Hey - by AstroForce - 30th April 2011, 21:59
Hey - by wildbeyond - 30th April 2011, 22:19
Hey - by Andrea Valentine - 30th April 2011, 22:41
Hey - by Gilgamesh - 30th April 2011, 22:45
Hey - by vella - 30th April 2011, 22:48
Hey - by The Guardian - 1st May 2011, 15:02
Hey - by Andrea Valentine - 1st May 2011, 19:21
Hey - by Anyanka - 1st May 2011, 22:03
Hey - by zebeianhero - 2nd May 2011, 19:02
Hey - by 0kami003 - 2nd May 2011, 20:10

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