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Obligatory helloooo...

My subject line was me saying hi but I'll do it again.


And now my introduction: I'm a 29 year old guy living in (ugh, I hate saying this) Texas. It even hurts to type that... what can I say, after growing up in the north, it's very foreign down here...and not good foreign. Anyhoo I'm currently living/stuck here, but won't be here for much longer hopefully. But that's a whole other thing. To finish up the about-me part, I work in television (the field of television, not literally in a television...) I write, I play a lot of video games, read, watch movies, the usual nerdy stuff heh.

Into the trap-related portion... I've always been attracted to feminine looking men, and I kinda just discovered the concept of traps and...well, I guess it's turned me more curious than I was before heh. So finding this place was pretty cool. Maybe I'll learn that TX is actually filled with traps and I had no idea. Or not...

I suppose that's the quick version but it'll do for a hello.


Messages In This Thread
Obligatory helloooo... - by sthsux - 1st March 2011, 11:54
Obligatory helloooo... - by vella - 1st March 2011, 15:38
Obligatory helloooo... - by Beowulf - 1st March 2011, 16:17
Obligatory helloooo... - by AstroForce - 1st March 2011, 18:39
Obligatory helloooo... - by Crystal - 1st March 2011, 19:02
Obligatory helloooo... - by The Guardian - 2nd March 2011, 02:54
Obligatory helloooo... - by Treise - 4th March 2011, 10:49

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