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Hello fellow Futa Deviants!!

Thank you LetMeBlowYou, and to anyone else A bit about me:

I am a 25 year old (Feb 6th that is) college student (Communications-Media studies major), a big gaming and music dork, and a lover of anime. I spend most of my free time playing Role Playing games (that is when I'm not studying or having a drink with friends and fellow students). I live in Wisconsin, USA where you drink to keep warm XD

I can say that I blame a majority of my kinks and fetishes on 4chan, and my friend to first introduced me to 4chan. CURSE YOU PETEY YOU SICK FREAK!!! lol anyway I'm an easy-going guy who just loves to RP so if you want my MSN is in my profile.

Full Erotic Profile

Ongoing Private RPs:
It All Runs in the Family, A Boy and His White Knight

Dead/Hiatus RPs:
A Cosplayer's Dream, A Strip of Romance, The Island

Luna's Transformations in Board Game RP
Anthro Demon Dragoness with Tiny Demon Wings
Twin Thick Foot-Long Bitch Breaker Dragon cocks with sheath
Womb becoming egg laying organ through cocks and pussy
Plump Demonic Pussy, Smells and Tastes Like Your Favorite Thing.

Messages In This Thread
Hello fellow Futa Deviants!! - by Melzar - 31st January 2011, 17:01
Hello fellow Futa Deviants!! - by Crystal - 31st January 2011, 18:31
Hello fellow Futa Deviants!! - by Melzar - 31st January 2011, 19:48
Hello fellow Futa Deviants!! - by AstroForce - 31st January 2011, 20:29
Hello fellow Futa Deviants!! - by The Guardian - 1st February 2011, 02:00
Hello fellow Futa Deviants!! - by Melzar - 1st February 2011, 03:21
Hello fellow Futa Deviants!! - by Jerrai - 1st February 2011, 08:58

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