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Did you hear that? Oh nevermind... it was just my AWESOME annoucing my arrival.
Cecilia Wrote:Well, that was... interesting and different. Seems you aren't very shy or modest. :p

I guess you'll feel right at home here, so welcome to Futanari Palace and enjoy your stay!

As interesting and different as I can possibly be! lol. Nothing shy or modest about me, chaos is my creed; anarchy my daily bread; and pandemonium my home.

Thanks for the welcome, I feel right at home already... just gotta find me a good avatar pic, or a picture of a pie... one or the other. *gropes your avatar and kisses the back of her neck* Did I mention I can't keep my hands to myself?

spacefender Wrote:I'll take the ham. It'll save me money at Christmas. As far as my favorite sexual orifice...well, if I had a favorite sexual orifice it wouldn't be on my own body. So I have no idea who you just kissed but I bet she was shocked to suddenly have a tongue up one of her holes.

:p Woohoo! Glad I could be a shock, and she's cute enough I'd suck her dick to see her smile! (like I said, I'm into almost everything) Happy happy, joy joy mothafuckas! I like to spread cheer like Santa with a sack full of alcohol, and a sleigh pulled by flying beef jerky!

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Did you hear that? Oh nevermind... it was just my AWESOME annoucing my arrival. - by PandemoniumVice - 3rd December 2010, 16:45

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