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Nork is New

Thanks for the welcome everyone. Rest assured I shall avoid the stairs. Haven't had much success with them myself. Dastardly things. I spent quite a bit of time last night perusing the threads here. Lots of good stuff!

I first became aware of traps two or three years ago. I had stumbled across and saw a thread about it. And there was an image of Admiral Ackbar shouting "its a trap." Strangely I thought that was hilarious and laughed for a long time. But looking through the images I became very interest in traps. Where I live at we have none, it's a barren wasteland of mundane people and repressed sexuality here.


Messages In This Thread
Nork is New - by Nork - 16th November 2010, 05:57
Nork is New - by Beowulf - 16th November 2010, 06:33
Nork is New - by Nork - 16th November 2010, 06:40
Nork is New - by Beowulf - 16th November 2010, 06:42
Nork is New - by Nork - 16th November 2010, 06:58
Nork is New - by The Guardian - 16th November 2010, 12:27
Nork is New - by moudoka - 16th November 2010, 15:22
Nork is New - by vella - 16th November 2010, 16:15
Nork is New - by AstroForce - 16th November 2010, 19:43
Nork is New - by Fapmaster - 17th November 2010, 02:58
Nork is New - by Nork - 17th November 2010, 09:29
Nork is New - by Bishiebunny - 17th November 2010, 22:14
Nork is New - by Nork - 18th November 2010, 02:55
Nork is New - by blackshark - 22nd November 2010, 18:56
Nork is New - by Shish - 23rd November 2010, 14:42

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