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Calintz's Comeback...

I've been away for a little while now only checking in occasionally to see what's been going on.
In my absence I've been doing a lot of drawing, working, hanging out, etc...

The first order of business I took care upon returning was to update my commission thread (use the link in my sig to get there fast) with another picture (non explicit) and some more information about how I plan to do things. I feel like the new picture that has been added clearly reveals some progress from past work. Not necessarily the overall style, but it's clear that I pay a lot more attention to the details of my work.

**Within a couple of weeks I will finally be getting a Wacom Bamboo Tablet. Soon, I will be able to begin fully illustrating my work from sketch to fully colored finish products. During this short waiting period ANY and ALL commissions will be very helpful to help me pay for the tablet. So, if any of you need some original work done I would be more than happy to whip up some sketches for you. I accept payment via PayPal.

At any rate, with those topics's good to be back.
How has everyone been doing?


Messages In This Thread
Calintz's Comeback... - by Calintz - 5th November 2010, 01:52
Calintz's Comeback... - by Brian - 5th November 2010, 09:40
Calintz's Comeback... - by Bishiebunny - 5th November 2010, 14:15
Calintz's Comeback... - by Calintz - 7th November 2010, 06:39

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