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After being prodded with a stick...

..Well, no, that makes it sound more like I didn't want to check this place out.. But I don't really have a better title, sooo yeah.

HI. I'm Dyenasaur, feel free to call me Dy or Dyena or whatever.
If you're wondering who prodded me, it was Kojanue. Blame him for my insanity descending upon this forum.

..It was kind of funny, I'm sitting here talking to him..
"By the way, I finally joined."
"Yay, but it's late, we should wait till tommorrow"
"Hey, I can take ten minutes to introduce myself or whatever... You wanted me in here, I'm even still in the 'newest member' spot.."
"Yeah, but it's best not to flaunt the fact that you're new..."
"...Even though there's an introduction forum?"
"There's an intro forum?"
"....You're amazing, love.. (trying not to laugh on the inside)"
"Nope, just oblivious"

...And as I'm typing this, he goes "Well I'll be damned, there is an intro forum!"

...Bahahahaha. Anyway. Amusing anecdote aside, this is where I tell you about me, yes? Errr. Well, I'm slightly insane- ..Alright, maybe a lot insane, but in the good way! I suppose considering this is a futa forum, it'd be acceptable to mention that while I have, you could almost say 'scientific' knowledge of more of these kinds of things than I even know how I learned, which makes me kind of a perv, mentally, I have very little to no physical, actual -experience-.... When kidding around, I sometimes put it as 'my mind is a whore, my body's a virgin.'...

Anyway that's probably enough rambling about me for now.. So.. Where's the post button.. Aha!


Messages In This Thread
After being prodded with a stick... - by Dyenasaur - 20th October 2010, 04:08
After being prodded with a stick... - by Angelic - 20th October 2010, 04:25
After being prodded with a stick... - by Kiyomi - 20th October 2010, 04:26
After being prodded with a stick... - by Il-Ruinante - 20th October 2010, 04:50
After being prodded with a stick... - by Kojanue - 20th October 2010, 05:04
After being prodded with a stick... - by vella - 20th October 2010, 06:36
After being prodded with a stick... - by The Guardian - 20th October 2010, 11:19
After being prodded with a stick... - by AstroForce - 20th October 2010, 15:19
After being prodded with a stick... - by Brian - 21st October 2010, 00:22
After being prodded with a stick... - by Bishiebunny - 21st October 2010, 13:57
After being prodded with a stick... - by blackshark - 21st October 2010, 22:14

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