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...And so it begins.

Well, here I am, posting. Somewhat odd for me, but meh.

I go by Dvergar, or Dvargar. Some of you who know Norse mythology might recognize that as a spelling (and corruption of said spelling) of dwarves. Or 'dark elves,' depending.

I usually don't post much, and stay away from forums, but I feel it's time for a change.



Messages In This Thread
...And so it begins. - by Dvargar - 1st October 2010, 13:10
...And so it begins. - by DragonianDeity - 1st October 2010, 13:53
...And so it begins. - by Windir - 1st October 2010, 14:28
...And so it begins. - by vella - 1st October 2010, 15:14
...And so it begins. - by The Guardian - 2nd October 2010, 03:02
...And so it begins. - by alarmguy - 2nd October 2010, 04:05
...And so it begins. - by futashari - 2nd October 2010, 04:10
...And so it begins. - by AstroForce - 3rd October 2010, 15:45

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