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Greetings and such

So, yeah, hi and all that; I'm ImpSyndrome, although I prefer to be called 'Imp' for short. I've been here before a while back (before the 2009 crash-thing, I think), but I guess I didn't register back then, so I went ahead and corrected that issue.

Anyway, you probably won't see me posting much, as my life has been pretty busy recently, but here's a bit about me anyway:

1. I was raised on a foundation of perfect grammar/spelling, so you'll probably see me correcting people at least once in my stay here, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum, since it doesn't seem to count for much on the interwebs. That said, if I make any serious mistakes, let me know right away so I can correct them.

2. I've done some writing in my spare time in the past, but I've fallen out of it for the time being, since college, personal drama, and life in general have reduced my amount of free time to just about nothing. Maybe I'll get back to it later...

3. I love looking at quality artwork (especially involving futanari and/or tentacles), but I have a special place in my heart for well-written stories. If you know of any good must-read stories, please let me know about them.

4. I have this bad habit of venting about my personal problems in public places, and I'm trying to correct that behavior. So, if I ever start acting out-of-turn, raising drama or acting childish on these forums, please do SOMEthing to let me know so I can try to stop myself.

Before I go lurk and set up more thread subscriptions, I do have one quick question for all you artists out there: if I do like a particluar piece of your work, would you rather that I leave a comment about it, even if it's only a simple compliment, or would you rather that I keep it to myself unless I have something truly constructive to say?

And with that, I'm out for now.

With a roar of thunder,


Messages In This Thread
Greetings and such - by ImpSyndrome - 17th July 2010, 21:20
Greetings and such - by RLF_86 - 17th July 2010, 21:27
Greetings and such - by The Guardian - 17th July 2010, 21:37
Greetings and such - by ImpSyndrome - 17th July 2010, 21:57
Greetings and such - by alarmguy - 18th July 2010, 02:33
Greetings and such - by DoublecockedFutagirl - 18th July 2010, 03:09
Greetings and such - by AstroForce - 18th July 2010, 15:14
Greetings and such - by blackshark - 19th July 2010, 09:35
Greetings and such - by Bishiebunny - 19th July 2010, 15:08
Greetings and such - by Brian - 29th July 2010, 18:20

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