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And..well i want to apologize for before when i said " im not gay or nothing like that" T..and..well..i.guess that im like that too everyone and...well..sorry and if anyone would be my friend of course that i will be a good friend with everyone..without exception of beign gay or something ..because at last we are all humans ^^ i hope that everyone who see this...well..can..forgive me -. -.


Messages In This Thread
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by Runo07 - 13th July 2010, 17:54
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by zebeianhero - 13th July 2010, 18:13
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by RLF_86 - 13th July 2010, 18:40
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by Runo07 - 13th July 2010, 19:03
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by Runo07 - 13th July 2010, 19:45
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by alarmguy - 13th July 2010, 21:45
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by blackshark - 13th July 2010, 21:56
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by The Guardian - 13th July 2010, 23:00
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by *~*Utena*~* - 13th July 2010, 23:05
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by DoublecockedFutagirl - 13th July 2010, 23:07
Hi...Hi....*blushing* - by AstroForce - 15th July 2010, 21:02

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