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... Hiya.

So ... yeah. I'm not going to be intentionally lurking anymore. Although I'll probably still be lurking... (What can I say, I'm a ninja at heart.) This site is pretty awesome, so I figure there are probably some pretty awesome people behind it/who visit it.

Uh... Introduction, right.

I'm Miles. Although I s'pose you guys can read the little name-tag-thing to the left of this post. My basic interests include reading, videogames, music (I hate putting this here. It's so vague. Who doesn't like music?) and bad jokes (puns especially.) I s'pose if any of you want to know more about me, send me a message and ask.

On a final note, the light from no longer being a lurker... It burns. A lot. Like really, really badly. But it's probably worth it.


Messages In This Thread
... Hiya. - by Miles11 - 23rd March 2010, 18:48
... Hiya. - by leeter - 23rd March 2010, 19:31
... Hiya. - by vella - 23rd March 2010, 20:53
... Hiya. - by alarmguy - 23rd March 2010, 22:30
... Hiya. - by Gilgamesh - 23rd March 2010, 22:53
... Hiya. - by blackshark - 23rd March 2010, 23:03
... Hiya. - by The Guardian - 24th March 2010, 02:33
... Hiya. - by futashari - 24th March 2010, 05:53
... Hiya. - by Brian - 24th March 2010, 08:28
... Hiya. - by Bishiebunny - 24th March 2010, 14:01

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