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Insert Clever Greeting Here

I can think of all sorts of hilarious things to say whenever I'm not actually trying.

Hi there! Long time fan, lurker, whatnot. White male, mid 20's, nothing special. I've been to a lot of websites, but I never really join because there never seems to be much for me to say that hasn't been said, or much popularity with the things I'm really into. As you may have guessed from my username, in a better world I would be married to Doug's infamous creation (and when I close my eyes, I'm there, you can bet). I'm not strictly a furry, in that I like herms of almost every stripe, but I certainly adore them! I'm not effete or gay (or even bi, really) or anything like that. I just absolutely love herms and futa.



(I'm working on an avatar and a sig, I don't know whats copyrighted or kosher to use.)


Messages In This Thread
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by Mr.Phrase - 6th February 2010, 01:25
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by Gilgamesh - 6th February 2010, 01:51
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by The Guardian - 6th February 2010, 02:21
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by Mr.Phrase - 6th February 2010, 03:55
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by alarmguy - 6th February 2010, 04:02
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by Brian - 6th February 2010, 12:37
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by Mr.Phrase - 6th February 2010, 17:15
Insert Clever Greeting Here - by blackshark - 7th February 2010, 21:33

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