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Semi Lurker Intoduction

Oh hai, I was wondering where you keep all teh kitteh futa? kthnxbai. ;Wink

Srsly tho. Nice site. One of my favorite activities on my off days is to come here and just spend time among like minded people. Good to see that there are just as many women here as men and some in between.



Messages In This Thread
Semi Lurker Intoduction - by gasoleendreams - 5th February 2010, 23:30
Semi Lurker Intoduction - by The Guardian - 6th February 2010, 02:24
Semi Lurker Intoduction - by vella - 6th February 2010, 03:06
Semi Lurker Intoduction - by alarmguy - 6th February 2010, 03:59
Semi Lurker Intoduction - by Brian - 6th February 2010, 12:35
Semi Lurker Intoduction - by blackshark - 7th February 2010, 21:37

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