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An Overdue Introduction

Hello, it seems that I've been signed up to this site for quite some time. Admittedly, futa isn't one of my strongest fetishes so I haven't visited this site that often. Recently, however, my interest has been rekindled. I am somewhat of a writer you see, and an idea has popped into my head that I simply cannot get rid of.

Therefore, I have decided that I should put this idea to paper (or computer screen) and test my humble ability by exposing my meagre talent to the harsh criticisms of the Internet. Seeing as futa is a major element of this 'idea' then what better place than here? I shall begin work soon; I tend to write rather short chapters, but I am... inconsistent.

I hope you will all take a glance at my work and leave me a little feedback once I am finished.


Messages In This Thread
An Overdue Introduction - by xenume - 4th January 2010, 11:40
An Overdue Introduction - by vella - 4th January 2010, 15:17
An Overdue Introduction - by Fapmaster - 4th January 2010, 17:24
An Overdue Introduction - by xenume - 4th January 2010, 17:34
An Overdue Introduction - by The Guardian - 4th January 2010, 17:59
An Overdue Introduction - by Brian - 5th January 2010, 00:49
An Overdue Introduction - by alarmguy - 5th January 2010, 11:35

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