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Crap, no, I promised I wouldn't do any of that.

Right uh, not trolling, not trolling... Hi? That's something not-trolls say, right?

I usually only join forums to be a little seed of destruction, so joining one because I actually want to be part of the community is a bit of a new experience. It'd be unreasonable to ask for lower standards than others so I'll just do my best not to screw with people like I normally do, or even state my honest opinion, which tends to start flame wars whether I mean it or not.

I'm a bit of a Jekyll and Hide in terms of sexuality. I tend to be masculine and look down on femboys in everyday life but when it comes to the bedroom I'm pretty slutty, I suppose. It should go without saying after that, but yes, I'm here pretty much solely for the futa-on-male stuff.

I DO switch very occasionally, but when I do, well, make sure you can cash whatever checks you write.

I'm a writer, but it's pretty unlikely I'll ever actually contribute something to this site. When I do write, it's normally working on my current going-to-try-to-get-it-published 'book'. I've written lemons/porn fics in the past but not in ages, and probably not again until Take Ten Steps is finished.

RP is just about the opposite. I haven't done anything serious in a real long time, though I've kept up with the 'adult' stuff. I suppose I'm good, judging from feedback, which is probably just a bi-product of being a writer. That being said though I'm up for adult or more serious RP, provided the partner is good enough to make either interesting.

That'll about do for a bio, so uh, all that said, nice to meet y'all. All... 47,000 of you? Christ, that's a lot of members.



That's a lot of users. Damn, this is ha-... DIFFICULT.



Messages In This Thread
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by Shinkritter - 3rd January 2010, 09:27
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by Atomic Punch - 3rd January 2010, 09:36
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by Shinkritter - 3rd January 2010, 09:42
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by one eyed pirate - 3rd January 2010, 10:39
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by Brian - 3rd January 2010, 11:39
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by alarmguy - 3rd January 2010, 16:40
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by herx - 3rd January 2010, 17:10
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by The Guardian - 3rd January 2010, 17:22
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by blackshark - 4th January 2010, 01:05
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by johnkam - 4th January 2010, 01:18
YOU'RE ALL GAY, LOL - by BustyFutaMommy - 5th January 2010, 22:01

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