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New to FP here. I hope to be a contributor to the stories section very very soon. Also ive been trying to use the FP chat system, but either there isnt anyone online or im not doing something right. Can anyone send me a command list that i might need? Specifically for any roleplay channels or whatnot.


Messages In This Thread
Hello! - by Dahlmordyth - 23rd December 2009, 17:12
Hello! - by Shish - 23rd December 2009, 19:20
Hello! - by alarmguy - 23rd December 2009, 22:36
Hello! - by blackshark - 24th December 2009, 00:21
Hello! - by Dahlmordyth - 24th December 2009, 00:30
Hello! - by The Guardian - 24th December 2009, 01:28
Hello! - by Brian - 26th December 2009, 06:17

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