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Lurker turned Contributor!

Howdy everybody! DukeD here. Lurked for over a year... but I was scared to say anything for two reasons: A.) the job I have is the kind of job where ANY dirt found out about you could put you out on the corner, and B.) I know next to Nothing about working a forum... I'm sure it's simple enough, but I needed some courage (which came in the form of finally telling my girlfriend that I like futa, and her NOT being grossed out about it).
So I have a question about posting doodles. I was gonna make a new thread in 2D images, but that info blurb says "Artists' own material should not be posted here, please post in the Artists Room area", I didn't know what that meant, and I didn't want my first post being flagged or something. But I want to share.
Final note, I posted some pictures in Identification and Requests, which can be found here which as you'll see is a request to color, but in the meantime you can peruse the doodles there. Great to meet you!


Messages In This Thread
Lurker turned Contributor! - by Duked - 19th December 2009, 06:45
Lurker turned Contributor! - by ConnorKCM - 19th December 2009, 07:14
Lurker turned Contributor! - by Gilgamesh - 19th December 2009, 07:51
Lurker turned Contributor! - by Brian - 19th December 2009, 13:04
Lurker turned Contributor! - by The Guardian - 19th December 2009, 17:24
Lurker turned Contributor! - by blackshark - 20th December 2009, 00:40
Lurker turned Contributor! - by alarmguy - 20th December 2009, 17:38

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