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New member here from more than 12 hours ago bidding you welcome to FP. :3

"When someone asks you the question, "Are you
ticklish?" it doesn't matter if you say yes or no. They're
going to touch you."
[SIZE=3]- Demetri Martin
You know you want to say hi![/URL] :p

To all of you approaching me for an RP, I only allow
those who can at least send a paragraph (4 sentences or
well-made fragments minimum) per reply. Character
speeches are excluded in the word count. With that
already said, I'm looking forward to a productive RP
with any of you.


Messages In This Thread
ahoy - by RyReX7 - 25th November 2009, 05:22
ahoy - by alarmguy - 25th November 2009, 11:37
ahoy - by Brian - 25th November 2009, 12:33
ahoy - by Kimiko - 25th November 2009, 12:34
ahoy - by The Guardian - 25th November 2009, 12:57
ahoy - by Bishiebunny - 25th November 2009, 17:42
ahoy - by vella - 25th November 2009, 18:40
ahoy - by blackshark - 26th November 2009, 00:47
ahoy - by mysteryxman14 - 26th November 2009, 04:05
ahoy - by Sumeragi - 26th November 2009, 05:37
ahoy - by RyReX7 - 26th November 2009, 10:01

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