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Hello all~

Hello ladies, gents and everyone inbetween! I'm sure I've met more than a few of you before, but for those I haven't yet, I'm Selena! I found this site after a lovely evening at Futa Academy, and I really look forward to the insanity I'm absolutely positive goes on here on a daily basis!

Also the porn, the porn is a lovely thing to look forward to, ^^


Messages In This Thread
Hello all~ - by PsyChaos - 13th November 2009, 09:23
Hello all~ - by alarmguy - 13th November 2009, 11:17
Hello all~ - by The Guardian - 13th November 2009, 13:23
Hello all~ - by Bishiebunny - 13th November 2009, 22:32
Hello all~ - by blackshark - 13th November 2009, 23:48
Hello all~ - by Brian - 14th November 2009, 05:08
Hello all~ - by PsyChaos - 14th November 2009, 08:42
Hello all~ - by deviantkiss - 14th November 2009, 08:45

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