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here comes trouble....

hey peeps! i'm the g!t, which is the abreviation i use for girl!trouble over at the F3. i am a non-op transexual IRL, and a horrible flirt, which would explain why i am F3's official pervbot. i've never met a perversion i didn't like...(ok, that's not true, but they are few and far inbetween). i am not huge on manga, prefering korean live action instead (joon bong-ho is god!). i give spot on advise, collect old vinyl, love longboarding and welding, gender and film theory....

l8r, sk8r!;Wink


Messages In This Thread
here comes trouble.... - by the g!t - 31st August 2007, 04:10
here comes trouble.... - by spacepoliceman - 31st August 2007, 04:22
here comes trouble.... - by Sakura-chan - 31st August 2007, 05:32
here comes trouble.... - by The Guardian - 31st August 2007, 06:15
here comes trouble.... - by DoRo - 31st August 2007, 08:01
here comes trouble.... - by SAM™ - 31st August 2007, 09:37
here comes trouble.... - by gehenna - 31st August 2007, 12:10
here comes trouble.... - by Amadeus - 2nd September 2007, 14:16
here comes trouble.... - by bdn - 2nd September 2007, 18:02
here comes trouble.... - by DogBlack - 4th September 2007, 19:15

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