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New arrival... Reporting to terminal FP.
*Walks in and takes a look around for a long moment, before smiling and waving in greeting.*

Hey everyone. I've been sneaking around the last couple days, figuring out what's where, what can and can't be done... Checked out a couple of the visible RPs and all that... So now I figured it's time I introduce myself.

First off - I'm a guy if that matters to anyone... I think it does to some, but hey, everyone has their own likes and dislikes... And that's how everyone should be, am I right?

Secondly... And probably most obviously, I love Futanari in all it's forms... I haven't seen anything futa-related that I haven't liked, and while I know I haven't seen near as much as some of you all have, well... Blame it on where I live... I can't find anything good without using the net, or going 2 hours out of town.

As an aside, I don't remember when I found this place, but it must have been within the last 2 years at least, though I never officially joined as I had a number of other things that were taking up most of my time then... Also, I know my way around forums pretty well, so while I might be a little rusty, I don't see myself having any problems with anyone, or anything here.

But yeah, I'm here now, and this place looks like one helluva a ride.

:157: :157:

Messages In This Thread
New arrival... Reporting to terminal FP. - by Fiero-GSC - 22nd July 2009, 23:36
New arrival... Reporting to terminal FP. - by Kaede - 23rd July 2009, 07:09

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