27th February 2009, 08:10
I'm not usually on and stuff, but when I am, I usually am just looking for now but welcome to FP and have fun, and also, everyone gets one cookie upon their entrance to FP. They do not get to choose the flavor. *Warning: Blackrose is not responsible for any vomiting, uncontrollable urination, erctions or any out of the ordinary bodily functions that occur from eating cookiesmade by him. Eat at your own discretion.* And with that welcome to my home away from home and I hope you become an active Fp member and you enjoy your stay.
"I believe In No God, no invisible man in the sky. But there Is Something more powerful than each of us, a combination of our efforts, a great chain of industry, that unites us. But It is only when we struggle, in our own interest that the chain pulls society in the right direction. The chain is too powerful and too mysterious for any government to guide. Any man who tells you different either has his hand in your pocket, or a pistol to your neck."
~Andrew Ryan 'The Great Chain'
~Andrew Ryan 'The Great Chain'