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You will get me... a taco.

I bid my comrades greetings. I have been persay, an avid lurker of much of this world and community over several years. This name I have is my second, and in standing with nearly 2yrs of dedicated lurking. Most of my time has been quite, peaceful, and quaint. I have been with you in times avidly waiting for the posts of content to which we all know and love, and weeped with joy when upon its arrival we discovered it was like a small god unto us filling our needs. I have seen sites that used to have wonderful galleries become Paid content, and skilled artist's dissapear into the mists of humanity. But I have learned to store what little treasures I find, some even backed up on 3"1/4 floppy's.

However, In my years I have been good about saving my listing's of links to places where treasures are most plentiful. This year however, in my rage to clean my computer of malware and its resident evils, I lost a few. I have resigned myself to find most of them in due time. But many will elude me...
I order to find them, I have come out of lurking for this brief time in order to obtain them, and in chance to become a bit more then a lurker to this community that has respected me so. I humbly ask that in this show of respect, the sites I have hastily lost, might be quickly refound.

The first site I am looking for is a board much like this one, and I know it by its color scheme and content only... Which even I would admit seems like a flimsy lead. The sites default follows an orange and black header with misc pictures inserted for flavor much like ours here. The content to which it held was diverse, but its jewel in my opinion is its archive of HCG's from varriing games. It did not so much cater to our Futa interests here, but had a supriseing number of respectable posts of HCG's. When viewing the archive it apeared simply as a listing of links, white background, blue links. I wish I could be more descriptive, but my mind fails me.

I thank thee for any information, and wish my peers here new and old a warm hello.

I Lurk, therefore I am... I think... :148:

Messages In This Thread
You will get me... a taco. - by chrome00 - 14th January 2009, 07:51
You will get me... a taco. - by Snowland - 14th January 2009, 08:17
You will get me... a taco. - by The Guardian - 14th January 2009, 12:46
You will get me... a taco. - by Sakura-chan - 14th January 2009, 21:08
You will get me... a taco. - by Talisman - 15th January 2009, 00:32
You will get me... a taco. - by zebeianhero - 15th January 2009, 00:39
You will get me... a taco. - by Dekoshu - 15th January 2009, 00:49
You will get me... a taco. - by ROLEX4life - 15th January 2009, 07:33
You will get me... a taco. - by Dekoshu - 15th January 2009, 22:49
You will get me... a taco. - by death to come - 15th January 2009, 23:16
You will get me... a taco. - by death to come - 15th January 2009, 23:17
You will get me... a taco. - by blackshark - 15th January 2009, 23:24
You will get me... a taco. - by chrome00 - 16th January 2009, 09:40
You will get me... a taco. - by death to come - 17th January 2009, 04:52
You will get me... a taco. - by Daisuke262 - 17th January 2009, 05:15
You will get me... a taco. - by JeriCarter - 17th January 2009, 11:34
You will get me... a taco. - by Dekoshu - 17th January 2009, 15:40

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