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Hello.. a few days late, lol....

Hello, I'm first & foremost an Artist... who dabbles in Freelance Photoshop Image Editor / Illustrator, p/t comic artist, p/t Sculptor, p/t Painter, and a few other web related talents I won't mention in here Wink

I see NOW that I should have goggled the nick "PencilGuy" BEFORE I CHOOSE IT, Ahh ??!!!?? I'm no NOOB to BB's either, but in this case I seem to have fumbled the ball a bit.

You SEE as a multi-disciplinarian in the field of art, some Genre's REQUIRE a safe distance form others... and Hence I have different "names" for the different genre's of Work I do (so I can keep them organized and under some control)...+ALSO+ so the Public stuff, Fetish stuff, Nude Work, and Cute innocent Non-Adult cartoon related work, watercolors, oil's and various Sculpts and Design Work - NEVER GET ATTACHED UNDER ONE SINGLE NAME. It just has to be that way.

You see Some "People" Just can't grasp the concept that one person could POSSIBLE produce such a variety of work (and not be insane), lol please....

now I'll admit (ahead of time) I'm likely 2 post something that WILL CAUSE someone will say WTF ??? That can't be his work ?!?!?!? ... well just calm down, as I stated I do not limit what comes out of the mind, as well as I'm never quite sure WHO is sitting at the Drawing desk on any given day...

As Best as I can tell, I may* have at least 3 or more distinct mental personalities which depending on their mood at the moment can produce a variety of work and FYI, They never work together, and never manage to surface at a predictable time table, so some genre's will go weeks ( worst case months) without any NEW work... while others may change from day-2-day, as you can see in my last few posts WITH ALOT OF new work, It's like a shotgun effect, I can produce alot of work in a short period of time, and then, much like a short mental smoke break, at which time someone else might* step in and dominate the drawing table and change to another topic for a while..?? I stopped trying to Understand it or control it Long ago, it's just MUCH more exciting to go with the flow... It's a little confusing at times, but it's never DULL !!!

ok, back to the Nick= "Pencilguy" .. Ahhh I now see their are a gaggle of "pencilguy's" out their ONLINE, GO FIGURE !!!! oh well.. kinda late to change that now, SO don't bother to google it because I'm not ONLINE anywhere. You can and will find the OTHER Pencilguy's, and lol NONE of them do what I do, so don't SCARE them with a email, thinking you've found ME...

Pencilguy Will only produce futanari - Photo manip's & Drawings in here... Depending on the results I may post at Deviant Art, account already set up, just Empty for now... and YES, I lost out on the simple "Pencilguy" to someone else at DA.. Again, AHHH FFS !!! google new nick's next time, lol... so it will be "pencilguy1" at DA... fyi

Other than that , I'm going to STOP typing now, I'll tell you more IF & when I get to know you in here, after all not everything is in the Public domain, and a little Mystery is sExciting !!! Wink

feel free to PM me anytime, I don't bite... well only if you ask... and I ONLY bite women, no guy's .. and don't try to psychoanalyze that because of the art....


Messages In This Thread
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by pencilguy - 1st October 2008, 18:22
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by Futanarikko - 1st October 2008, 20:53
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by Sakura-chan - 1st October 2008, 23:22
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by The Guardian - 2nd October 2008, 02:21
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by blackshark - 3rd October 2008, 11:06
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by Corn16 - 3rd October 2008, 14:10
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by Kayugen - 4th October 2008, 05:01
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by UberWezzel - 6th October 2008, 08:26
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by pencilguy - 11th October 2008, 04:49
Hello.. a few days late, lol.... - by ROLEX4life - 24th October 2008, 09:47

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