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Introducing Sky Piece

Great to see a new face finding their way here.


You are right, opening a Thread for your game is the right way to go about starting communication on a futa game. Now, being the developer of a game counts for something, doesn't it?

A bit of self promotion is appreciated here -- probably always will be. Self-promotion is what gives rise to bartering about a better future. Without we'd all eventually die. So yes, present yourself, present your game. Welcome.

A little heads up: Administration will make the forum rules a bit less lenient in the next months; so this means all sexually involved characters should be at least "18 years" old. Unfortunately there is no other way -- due to an increasingly more rigid legislative situation, that even wants to govern purely fictional content.

Si fueris romae romano vivito more -- When in rome, do as the Romans do. We must do what the world around us  does.


Messages In This Thread
Introducing Sky Piece - by Sky Piece - 21st January 2025, 18:50
RE: Introducing Sky Piece - by Keahi19 - 22nd January 2025, 02:42
RE: Introducing Sky Piece - by Sky Piece - 22nd January 2025, 09:48
RE: Introducing Sky Piece - by Q - 25th January 2025, 00:51
RE: Introducing Sky Piece - by Keahi19 - 31st January 2025, 00:31

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