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Without funding, Futanari Palace will shut down. (Funding obtained)

Hey guys.

I'm taking a very hands off approach to the site on and off. Very willingly have I taken responsibility to maintain the site and help it out. Because of Patreon's updated stuff on Adult Material I have a trouble ticket in on how long they're taking to get me authorized to withdraw from adult verification of ownership.

I will NOT take anyone's money if I can't use it to maintain and promote the site. I have the costs covered on my own dime in the meantime. Sure, having help will help me, but I have have set aside my own personal funds for the site so that it does not die in the meantime.

Please be patient (as I have to be patient) with Patreon and other sites.

Thanks Everyone.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Without funding, Futanari Palace will shut down. - by swammy - 10th October 2024, 23:51

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